" 20... 21..............32!? Ahhhh! "
That was me counting how many ants I've murdered today.
Since the sky was treating me so nice, I painted my front porch.
There were ants moving around the wall due to rainy season.
Mom insisted me to get the job done by today! so yeah =\
I wasn't the only
"animal killer" just now.
There were 2 boys
(not my neighbors) at the field opposite my place shooting at flying birds.
That reminded me of my dad when he was a kid.
He was one of them back then.
(from the story I heard of course)lol. the
"kampung" memories in the West.
I'm currently craving to go back & eat some real Malaysian food with cousins and aunts.
This morning I went to the Kids' Clinic.
Dr. Huang has always been my idol when I first stepped into that clinic with lil Ryan.
She inspired me and I have always wanted to be a pediatrician after that.
Somehow, I've lost my interest in Chem when I was about to decide which course to take in I.S. *sigh.
Anyways, I'm always happy to see her.
Then, we went to a playschool.
I was taking care of Ryan while mom was talking to the
I enjoyed pushing him down the slides. HAHA!
& there was this cute lil' girl tagged along.
She did not smile at 1st... just pin-point at things. I think she's just shy.
Then when the time flies, she was smiling and following us around.
The principal looked at me every time she talks to mom
(I thought I had something stuck on my face)She was really nice & talked to me a lot when I sat next to mom.
She really reminded me of Aunt Desi & she told me about her daughter
(as if I know her lol)Her daughter is currently doing music in Adelaide
& she have just received top student award in her uni!
Have you ever heard
"Fantasy Farm" on Facebook?
Omgoodness you must try!
It's addictive.
I'm enjoying the "process" from the game!
Search for it.
& you'll know what I'm talking about. hehe!
Sis' having her mid-term exam this week.
She had her Chem paper this morning.
Last night, she asked me about
Oxidation and
Reduction(Gain of ions & Loss of ions)Oh my... I had to read back my notes to explain to her.
Apparently, I've read & I understood how it goes.
But my sis couldn't understand what I've explained cos I was fast-fwd-ing. lol!
So I gave up.
I didn't have time reading back my science and explaining.
Instead, I went to watch tv. lol! such a slacker.
I gotta go back to my books.
I'm thinking to work on my A2 Maths first. :)
Hugsz & Kissesz,
Sher W. =p